Hírek : Nemzetközi Budo Egyetem Kendo Edzőtábor |
Nemzetközi Budo Egyetem Kendo Edzőtábor
-rt- 2010.01.25. 14:16
Idén Bécsben kerül sor a tábor megrendezésére, ahol vizsga lehetőség is lesz 5. Danig! Alább az Ausztriai Kendo Szövetség kiírása angolul:
Dear Friends,
From 2010-02-13 to 2010-02-17 again a visit of International Budo
University (IBU) will take place under the leadership of Prof. Minoru
Makita (8.Dan) with Akira Ijima (8.Dan), Toshio Marubashi (7.Dan) and
Kimiharu Iwakiri (7. Dan). Again a great number of Japanese students will
come to Vienna and many Kendoka from all over Austria and the Region (e.g.
Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, to name a few)
will take the opportunity to meet these teachers and students. There will
be a possibility for common keiko and Dan-Examinations are planned.
Saturday 13.02.2010 16:00 - 18:00 Keiko;
Sunday 14.02.2010 13:00 Dan-Examination (until Godan
planed), Shiai;
Monday 15.02.2010 19:00 - 21:00 Keiko;
Wednesday 17.02.2010 19:30 - 21:00 Keiko.
Place: Matsumae-Budo-Center
l> , Gutheil Schodergasse 9, A-1100 Wien.
This is an event organized by the IBU - International Budo University,
kendoka can participate free of costs (Except: Examination fees) but have to
arrange for their own travel, lodging and food. AKA accepts no
responsibility. Changes are possible, so please duly note the AKA-Homepage
for information.
For Dan-Examination please register by 2010-02-06 at the latest using the
attached form. Austrian registrations should be signed by the Club's
President, foreign registrations by the National Federation's President.
Examinations and fees follow the respective rules and
recommendations by the EKF.
I wish you all a Happy New Year!
Kind Regards and see you in soon!
Dieter Hauck, President
Austrian Kendo Association
Markfeldgasse 4/5 A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Fax: +431 535 56 86 ZVR-Zahl: 917654739
email: <mailto:aka.kendo@aon.at> mailto:aka.kendo@aon.at
**AKA**Homepage** http://www.kendo-austria.at **AKA**Homepage**